Thursday, August 4, 2011

Greetings, Salutations... and some other stuff.

Well, here we are. Me with typing, and you with the watching me type. At least, metaphorically anyway. So, my newly minted faithful reader, I will begin by explaining to you exactly why what I have to say is so important it requires immortalization in a blog post...

--It isn't, and, it doesn't.--

I have fallen prey to my baser desires. In short, my narcicissm. But, hey, I have a degree or two in writing, so at least it'll be a good read. Sort of. Maybe?

Anyway, I'm guessing that you, my lonely, but ever faithful, reader, found your way here by accident. Certainly the title of this blog does not lend itself to simple internet searches on things geek.

--Btw, I give thanks to the deadalewives for their sage-like dialogue. Because, I am certain, that line was spoken for the sole purpose that I might one day make it the title of my blog post. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, fear not, the great GOOGLE will provide all answers if you but type deadalewives, or I'm attacking the darkness into the box of offering.) But, I digress. --

A good friend of mine has been posting and podcasting for some months now, (  --check it out) and I wanted the opportunity to weigh in on those things which I find important. In short, things geek. In the future, my dogged companion, you will find such rare oddities as film reviews, toy discussions, and even, --GASP-- talk of the gaming in both the video and table top varieties. Two such topics that will be up for discussion are the "Adventurer vs. Hero debate", and "Skills, or c'mon do you really think your Soldier moonlights as a professional slicer?"

I make no promises on the frequency, length, hygeine, or politeness of my posts. Simply know that from time to time, I will look in on you, my stalwart, solitary reader and cover you with the detritus of my musings.

For now, I leave you with the hope of a bright, shiny future where you will be allowed to bath in the warming light of my greatness... er, I mean, I bid you good night, faithful reader, I'll see ya when I see ya.

1 comment:

  1. First, nice little post there. Second, hey all blogging is essentially narcissism. Thanks for the plug.

    Second, welcome to madness. Blogging can suck and sap your strength. It can also help you vent and make you feel better about yourself.
